Rob Doyle - Professional Fun Haver

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    Monday, July 12, 2010

    Late Night Mumbles

    well hello once again,

    Recovery is still a slow process, it's amazing how a single second can change the next 3 months of your life.

    As for the progress, my arm is out of plaster but I'm still waiting for some surgery to correct my shoulder, it's a painfully annoying process in which you get screwed around by Doctors lots.

    On the good side, I've been digesting some good food and coffees and here are some examples

     Seven Seeds in Berkey Street Melbourne

    Good old Outpost in Yarra Street South Yarra
    Market Lane Coffee
    Belgium Beer Garden

    As for now to get me out of that stupid sling, we've resorted to some interesting sports strapping, it helps, but is annoying as hell to take off