Rob Doyle - Professional Fun Haver

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    Wednesday, July 22, 2009

    All happening

    Time to break radio silence

    Its Wednesday and to me wednesday is a nothing day, it is the day in the middle of space and time, where you make the transition between reminising about the last and looking forward too the weekend. So I thought in my infinate boredom to use this in the form of an Email.

    Last weekend was a weekend of mixed results, Saturday involved some average road surfaces, covered in empty beer bottles, really big trucks, alot of gutter time and the wind.

    Jonathon Lacey brought comment to this with the below quote;

    "Now those who have read the CSV report on saturday would of noticed they have come up with a new definition of the word "moderate". "Tivers clocked two hours, 20 minutes, 31 seconds in moderately windy conditions." And al-Qa'ida is a moderate Islamic organization. Or were we in different races?"

    This sums it up pretty well, it was above the realm of moderate wind.

    Unfortunately I dont have a full picture of what happened on the road, because lets face it, after two puntures and a random offering me a lend of a set of 909's I was in the Sag wagon, or in this case Sag Coachliner. I think the driver was given a couple of bags of lollies to hand out to riders as they got on bored, although I witnessed quite the opposite, the driver demolished at least 3 bags while I was there.

    Alas Alack

    Sunday was a Different Story

    Lets Face it....I was still fresh......and I was pissed off.

    To the point I was out there at 9am for a 12pm TT start. The boss is back. I rode parts of the course, checked conditions, i was hungry, hungry like someone who lives in a third world country who hasnt tasted food before, but that doesnt stop them from wanting it.

    After my installation ride I could confirm that conditions were shit.

    TT suit up

    After numerous taughting from other clubs and compeditors during the week I was amped. St Kilda in my mind possed the biggest threat, containing 3 Prime Estate Riders and a Former Exceptional Triathlete. Not often you get to race directly against your teammates, its showdown time.

    Not to mention riders like Aussie World ITT Rep Tom Leaper, Miles Watson, Melb-Brat winner Brett Tivers etc. It was going to be an epic day.

    Research is great for amping up, I knew all the winning times in the last 5 years, and had an Idea of the conditions for all of them. Only once had teams gone under 1 hour 30 minutes and that was in perfect conditions, netherless I was driven to break it, breaking it would give us the win. In a race like this its important to be even, not to blow up early or leave to much in the tank. So Sub 45mins was burnt into my brain for that first lap, do that and we'll have a chance.

    For the First time since I broke my wrists I was on fire, its hard to describe, sometimes you just have those on days, where nothing can stop you. This also has its down side, perphaps I started a bit fast, I set the tempo for the first km or so to get everyone settled, though I didnt have a speedo, and every said wow you guys started fast!

    With Damo onboard I knew we had a good engine for the tailwind, but his engine would be comprimised into the head wind, so I pulled the mega turns in to the headwind, once again a couple of times a little to hard, and with Rhys pulled the mega turns through the crosswind.

    And this was the way it went, yelling encouragement, yelling instructions and chewing bartape for 64km. In the final stretch we forced the issue, I was in the 53t x 11t and spinning, hit the final corner full pace and sprinted to the line. I looked at my watch, wow, 1:26, holy crap, we might of won this.

    We rolled back to the car were all our family and friends were and in the meantime they'd announced it.


    State Champion yes....

    Get Angry and Stuff Happens

    How things have changed form wise in the past 3 weeks....

    Unfortunately through all this I was unable to get my new TT bike ready in time

    Its going to be awesome, just need some spacers for the seat mast and a chain.

    Thats all for now,

    Tour time


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