Rob Doyle - Professional Fun Haver

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    Saturday, May 29, 2010


    So I've been puzzled lately, why are you a member of the racing club you are with?

    I'd love to know

    Now seeing I'm spending most of my time on the couch I thought I'd share my viewing tendencys, with the help of Amazon

    an old classic

    Season 6, isnt out on dvd yet, but there's this thing know as the internet........

    Thats it for now. Love to know your thoughts on the club thing, I've also added an RSS subscribe gadget on the right for those who use it. I'll leave you with a tale of two movers I managed to take happy snaps off, one requires someone to jump on and depending on who that is can put out as much power as the second law of thermodynamics will allow, the other puts out 380,000 watts in its sleep.

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