Rob Doyle - Professional Fun Haver

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    Sunday, April 19, 2009

    Mountain Life

    If you haven't guessed thats a joke, I'm starting to think that there was someone name Mr Mount Helen, because i'm not exactly dieing of altitude sickness.

    Anyway, it's been a week since my return to the bicycle, just in time for the early warning signs of ballarat winter.

    Example 1 - Ben Clark sporting a mudguard on his Giante, on a somewhat dry morning, maybe the voodoo zulu gods have told him something about the upcoming season.....

    Now in relation to my earlier point, as you can see from the picture below mt helen isnt much, to the right of the sign is mt bunninyong, to the left is mount helen.

    Moving house require somewhat of a team effort to change gears, due to space resrictions.

    My room saturday night...

    My room monday morning....

    The Cannys got a new car, beth thinks its prime estate inspired, what do you think?

    Now this is a funny story, a recurring saga, see -
    For the beginings
    Cam McKenzie dropped around again, and his car died again. Well not die, almost catch on fire as his engine block turns to magma is probably a better description. We soon worked out why this happening, as the car affectionately known as "Lake Eyre" had a leak in one of its radiator hoses. To the point that you could water plants 5 metres away from under the bonet. as demonstrated below. I have a video of the leak which i'll endevour to put up eventually.

    Well thats me for now, day off the bike today, 4 hours tomorrow, wednesday and thursday. I really need to get fit...

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