Rob Doyle - Professional Fun Haver

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    Monday, January 19, 2009

    Time to get my Crit on......

    I've been lucky since a return to racing in August to have the opportunity to race and do well in some big races, on the flip side to this there is still one hole i'm yet to fill. I haven't won a club road event in Ballarat, I've been living here for a year and have been the girl who's always the bridemaid but never actually gets married herself. It's starting to annoy me, the bridemaid metaphor doesnt fully describe it, say I'm the groom I'm standing at the end of the isle, the bride to be comes walking down, stops half way, turns around, and goes home to watch desperate housewives. Its that oh so close feeling, that can be more despairing than a brutal defeat.

    Maybe it's just a form of Ballaratitis, a rare and complicated disease that produces heeby-jeebys that make you loose touch. Maybe it's simpilar, when racing in ballarat, between the start of the race and the finishline I don't go faster than everyone else.

    As part of this lead up and as part of my lead up to heading over to TDU, not to mention the heat, I've started engaging in morning rides again. As part of doing early morning rides again, I've started doing late afternoon naps too.

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